Calgary Front Steps Portraits - Businesses + Families

Calgary’s COVID19 - Staying Home Campaign

While Still Supporting Local & United Way Calgary & Area

We all know where we were when we realized the Corona Virus aka COVID19 was officially going to impact our lives for the foreseeable future. Some changed over night, some changed from one week to the next and others just were gone for the who knows how long. With all this comes a lot of confusion, scrambling to create some normalcy and filtering of what is what.

Like so many, I took it all in and watched the news like a feen. I reached for my family tightly and did inventory of my groceries and our supplies. I wanted to be prepared for the worst, I wanted to protect my family and I wanted to do my part to get through all of this. I had soon found I would have good days, lots of wine days, lots of video chat days, I had crying days, I had frustrated days and then I had lots and lots of list-making days.

I’m obviously a mom, wife and small business owner but I am also a community cheerleader. I was worried how all of this would effect our lives but especially our economy. I literally saw my business bookings evaporate before my eyes. I told myself it was to keep us all safe, so I have to just get over it. But… I also am the type of person who feels deeply in wanting to serve others however I can. Just ask my husband about this. I’m sure he will tell you stories of how, I once made a carrot cake for Lund’s Farm workers at the Farmers Market because I had never had such a great bag of carrots, EVER! Or, I will bake apple pies for my neighbours. That is just what I do. I don’e know how to not donate all year round. So, with this, Oh-Shit-Wonder-Virus-Outbreak I wanted to help those who needed help too. After the span of the first two weeks, I received over fifteen direct messages from my existing clients imploring me to provide photography services, I have to say, I hesitated. The order was to STAY HOME for our authorities and I didn’t want to challenge that. I wanted my family to be safe, stop the spread of this fast moving virus and do my part.

Then, week three of isolation hit me, I needed to do something to help my fellow business buddies out. I needed to use the gift I have been given for good. But, again…… I have to do it safely and I had seen other photographers around the world volunteer to do this and were ridiculed for doing so. I also knew this is no time to line my pockets as others needed it more. So, I choose to volunteer to not only families but small businesses too. Then, I quickly talked to my family and friends, picked a charity, the United Way of Calgary & Area and charged by camera batteries.

Folks were scared to order from local businesses because they didn’t know how safe it was or even how it would work. I reached out to my social media network and found a lot of companies that were evolving quickly to stay in business to pay their mortgages and to put food on their tables. These are my people and I would not let them down.

Phase One of My Front Steps Portraits:

I captured businesses from a far fulfilling curb-side orders, prepping for delivery of goods, I also ordered from these locations myself to show I am putting my money where I’m encouraging others too. I have and will continue to use my social media platforms to showcase what we can do as community to help our neighbours, our businesses. I provided images for any business that wanted them. All I asked if they would consider donating to the United Way, Calgary & Area for the COVID19 Response Fund.

Phase Two of My Front Step Portraits:

Now to capture families and small business working from home. This is a story I know all to well as this is how I run my business primarily. Seeing folks stay home, binding together and finding ways to choose gratitude over giving up was inspiring me. Always keeping a minimum of 6/10ft away from families was the new normal, so although it was weird at times, everyone except babies and fur babies understood the why behind it. I ever got so good at it, I stayed in my car for some sessions if their driveway or front steps were narrow. Safety first folks!

I cannot thank every family, every couple, ever single person with their dog(s) or cat(s) I have captured to date. It has been magical really. See what the businesses and families had to say about this pandemic we are all in. You may realize we are all feeling the same things, we are trying to find lessons to learn to become better humans through all of this and if that doesn’t encourage you, well… call me I will have drink virtually with you. Cheers!

So, for now, here is Part One of the Calgary Front Step Portraits Project by Christy D Swanberg Photography.

Questions Asked to Each Family :

Anything that is keeping you grateful right now ? Any new found hobbies? What is each of your favourite thing to do together?

'“Honestly, just grateful we are all healthy and able to still work and have kids at home where they are safe.” - Pidlubny Family

“We like to go for walks, play wii, go in the hot tub, play board games, tag…. We talk often about how lucky we are to be together through all of this.” - Lebsack Family

“Just riding our bikes (inside), playing games and keeping each other safe and sane.” - Tovey Family

“Grateful for family time, healthy kids, FaceTime, and plenty to time to cook new things, read lots of books and do lots of art together. Grateful as a teacher to be seeing my little school family virtually this week too!” - Hordo Family

“We’re grateful for a roof, food and lots of love to go around. I’ve stared a new cooking venture on social media and my daughter might start a youtube account to take about her toys and dolls:). My husband has stared working on music again.” - Craig Family

“Ok so I want to say first, thank you again…. We understand that may people are concerned about accessing quality food and the comforts they need to get them through this difficult time. But in a safe way! We want Calgarians to still get the things they love if they’re self-isolating, are elderly or immuncompromised. Our small (bud dedicated) team is doing our best to serve high-risk individuals with an innovative solution during unprecedented times with our Curbside Pick up program.” - Calgary Farmers Market

“We are staying positive by trying to serve our community like always but with a little further away, doing our Postcard campaign so folks know we are still here!” - Calgary Heritage Roasting Company

“Stable jobs, health and wine. New hobbies? With a toddler I don’t have a lot of spare time.” - Sartor Family

“We are all healthy and happy (mot of the time). Just trying to get through the days. We go on scooter / bike rides, play games, watch movies-basically just being together.” - Berkel Family

Comments : Keep up the positivity! Hope your family is healthy and happy. Can’t wait to see you! So excited you’re offering this! I’m so excited to able to capture this time with you.